The Food of Love: Music FAQ 

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Click on a question below to see the answer to the following Frequently Asked Questions about music lessons at the Food of Love Music Studio:

How often will I take music lessons?

How long is each music lesson?

What kind of commitment am I making?

How much do music lessons cost?

Are there any other things I need to buy?

When is my money due?

Which forms of payment do you accept?

Do I need to have my own instrument?

What is your policy on missed music lessons?

How do I find you?

How long until I see results?

How old do I have to be to take music lessons?

What if I am a total beginner?

Why do I need music lessons at all?

How soon can I start?

On which instruments do you offer lessons?

What am I expected to bring to lessons?

How much should I practice?

What if there is bad weather?

How often will I take music lessons? (back to top)
Music lessons are usually taken once per week. Many students choose to take lessons year round.

How long is each music lesson?
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Most music students choose to take lessons for one half hour. In some cases, advanced music students may choose to request hour long lessons.

What kind of commitment am I making when I sign up for music lessons?
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When you sign up for music lessons, obviously you are agreeing to come to and pay for your music lessons weekly. You are also agreeing to do your best to improve your musicianship through regular practice and study.

How much do music lessons cost?
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Music lesson costs are $75.00 per month assuming lessons are for one half hour per week. If lessons are hour long lessons, the fee is $140.00 per month.

Are there any other things I need to buy?
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In addition to music lesson tuition, you are also required to rent or purchase an instrument to practice on at home and music to use in your lessons. (Vocal students need not purchase an instrument, however a keyboard would be a valuable tool to own.) These materials are your responsibility to purchase and bring to lessons. Please see "Required Materials" on my Music Lesson page.

When is my money due?
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Music lesson tuition is due in full either before or during the first lesson of the month. If it is not received at that time, a $10.00 late fee will be assessed. Returned checks result in a $30.00 fee.

Which forms of payment do you accept?
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At this time, we are accepting personal checks to "Lissa Benson" and cash only. No credit card options are currently available.

Do I need to have my own musical instrument?
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Students are responsible for owning or renting their own instruments for practice at home. Students (except for piano students) are also responsible for coming prepared to lessons with their instruments. Please see "Instruments" on my Music Lesson page for more about my instrument policies. For more information on where to purchase or rent instruments, please see some local and internet options on my Music Links page.

What is your policy on missed music lessons?
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It is your responsibility to come to scheduled music lessons on time with the necessary materials. If for any reason you are unable to come, please call the instructor 24 hours in advance. Most missed music lessons will not be made up. In the case of severe weather or in the rare event of other emergency situations, the instructor has discretion to offer make-up lessons depending on availability of make-up times.

How do I find you?
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The Food of Love Music Studio is located at 701 Hoel Avenue (just off of Highway 51) in Stoughton, WI For a map with directions, please click here. Parking is available on the street. Please knock and come in at your lesson time.

How long until I see results?
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The answer to this question depends entirely on the music student. As with so many things in life, the results are in direct proportion to how hard you work! I will do everything in my power to help you reach your personal goals.

How old do I have to be to take music lessons?
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There is no specific "magical" age to start music lessons at. Every individual is different. If you are a parent looking to start a young child in music, my policy is that music is very beneficial to students of all ages. If your student is interested and motivated to try, please encourage them to give music lessons a try for a month. Grandparents are welcome too. The only exception to my "all ages" policy is that flute students should be at least in elementary school due to hand size.

Kids playing piano photograph.        Baby with flute photograph.        Baby and Grandpa at piano photograph.

Photos by billaday, michelle en ciel, and goforchris from FlickR

What if I am a total beginner?
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Everyone was a beginner at some point, even me! This has very little bearing on how well you will do in voice, piano, or flute lessons. I encourage all levels of learners from all musical backgrounds to explore music lessons with me!

Why do I need music lessons at all?
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Technically, you don't need music lessons at all. You could teach yourself anything you wanted to know about music using books, videos, and sound samples if you know where to look for good resources. The advantage to taking lessons at The Food of Love Music Studio is that I will use my expertise to help guide you and facilitate your learning with one-on-one personalized interaction to help you meet your goals faster.

How soon can I start?
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You can start right now! To get started, simply download the lesson contract here, and email me or call me at (605) 205-2828 to schedule your lesson today!

On which instruments do you offer lessons?
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I offer music lessons in flute, piano, and voice.

What am I expected to bring to lessons?
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You are expected to come to your music lesson with your instrument (unless you are a piano player), your music books or sheet music, your pencil, and a notebook. Voice students should also come with a water bottle.

How much should I practice?
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Music is the voice of the soul expressed through the skill of the musician. In order to be a better musician with greater skill, I recommend at least one half hour of practice per day. What you practice and how you practice are ten times more important than how long you practice. Please click here to see an article about good music practice ideas. Click here for a printable practice form in Adobe Reader.

What if there is bad weather that prevents me from coming to a lesson?
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We live in Wisconsin. Bad weather happens. If you are unable to come, please call the instructor. In the case of severe weather or in the rare event of other emergency situations, the instructor has discretion to offer make-up lessons depending on availability of make-up times.

The Food of Love Music Studio  ~  701 Hoel Avenue  ~  Stoughton, WI  53589  ~  (608) 205-2828

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